In the Catholic Church a confraternity is an association of lay people dedicated to faith and good works. The Church invites lay people to form confraternities.
The Confraternity of the Holy Trinity Through Jesus and Mary is devoted to the Holy Trinity. We go to God the way He came to us. The Father sent his Son to take on “the form of a slave” through Mary. Like the three kings, we find Jesus with His mother. From the Cross He gave His mother to us by saying, “Behold thy Mother.” She says to us what she said at Cana, “Do whatever He tells you.”
The one God always was a Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the fullness of time God the Son became human through Mary. He entered time and united His eternal divine nature to our human nature. The name of this God-Man is Jesus. He sends His Holy Spirit to help us.
Our goal as a confraternity is to bring the spirituality of monks and nuns into the lives of lay people. We choose prayers on this website that help us to do our daily duty. God helps us to take care of our jobs and families while offering those works and prayers to the Trinity in union with Jesus and Mary.
Jesus invites you to take up your cross of duty and suffering, and join your prayers and sacrifices with His sacrifice to help others.
This website is a way to join with the Confraternity of the Holy Trinity Through Jesus and Mary. You become a member by your decision to join us in praying for each other daily, in this life and the next.
Use the Contact Us form if you want us to write your name in our book of members.
Choose from the prayers of the Confraternity on this website.
A. Confraternity Anthem: The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Has Ended
B.1. Confraternity Hymn: Via Dolorosa (lyrics)
B.2. Confraternity Hymn: Via Dolorosa (images: The Passion of the Christ)
We welcome your suggestions
in the “Contact Us” form on the menu.
Spirituality of the Confraternity of the Holy Trinity Through Jesus and Mary
Daily Devotions
Practice loving God with your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole mind, and your whole strength (Mark 12:30) using:
1) Stations of the Cross 2) Mass and Communion 3) Divine Mercy 4) First Friday and Saturday devotions 5) Divine Office, etc.
Practice loving your neighbor as yourself for the love of God (Mark 12:31) using:
1) Rosary 2) Eucharist of reparation 3) First Friday devotion 4) Souls in Purgatory 5) “Teach all nations, baptizing them” 6) Spiritual and corporal works of mercy, etc.
4. Daily Mass
5. Rosary
7. Devotions to the Souls in Purgatory
8. Divine Office – Morning, Evening, Night (updated by the Catholic Channel)
12. First Fridays for the Sacred Heart of Jesus
13. First Saturdays for the Immaculate Heart of Mary
14. Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother
15. Fatima Prayers
Confraternity Anthem
Suggested Daily Schedule
Select from these devotions based on the responsibilities of your state in life.
Some of us can do all of this schedule every day.
Some of us pray the Rosary every day, Stations on Friday, and Mass on Sundays.
1. Traditional Morning Prayers
2. Stations of the Cross
a. Watch a reenactment of the Stations of the Cross (video from EWTN)
Copyright 2002 CM Producciones
b. Stations of the Cross with Graces of each Station
c. Confraternity Stations of the Cross Devotion
d. Stations of the Cross (Saint Alphonsus)
e. Way of the Cross for Life (Saint Alphonsus with pro-life meditations and Our Lady’s part in the Redemption – extended version)
Listen to Via Dolorosa
3.a. Divine Mercy Prayers (Mission Church)
b. Divine Mercy Chaplet (follow the virtual beads)
4. Daily Mass
5. The Rosary
Our Lady asked St. Dominic to preach the rosary to save sinners.
a. Rosary with Mother Angelica: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious
b. Holy Land Rosary with Fr. Pacwa: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious
c. Rosary with EWTN monks: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious
Our Lady asked St. Dominic to preach the rosary to save sinners. She gave him 15 mysteries of her Son’s life. Pope St. John Paul II suggested that we add 5 more events from the life of Christ, known as the Luminous Mysteries. He left it up to “the freedom of individuals.” Many Catholics meditate on 5 of Our Lady’s mysteries every day, and add an additional 5 of the pope’s mysteries on Thursdays.

6.a. Chaplet of Saint Michael (virtual beads)
b. Chaplet of Saint Michael (written directions)
c. Chaplet of Saint Michael (Mother Angelica)
d. Chaplet of Saint Michael (beautiful artwork; please pause it to say the Our Fathers)
e. To get a set of St. Michael beads, press this link.
7. Devotions to the Souls in Purgatory
8. Divine Office (Watch latest episode: Morning, Evening, or Night.)
To buy the app for all seven daily times of prayer, you can search your phone’s app store for Divine Office.
9. Spiritual readings
10. Vital Catholic Knowledge and Exercises
11. Daily Examination of Conscience
a. Confraternity Examen
b. Examination of Consciousness
12. First Fridays for the Sacred Heart of Jesus
13. First Saturdays for the Immaculate Heart of Mary
14. Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother
15. Fatima Prayers

Scheduled Prayers
Angelus Devotion to Mary 6 AM, Noon, 6 PM

First Fridays for the Sacred Heart
First Saturdays for the Immaculate Heart